Snowflake Usage Analytics Boasts a 300% Increase in Visibility

Without a doubt capturing details about your Snowflake account and usage is important.  It might be one of the most important explorations you make in your organization’s Snowflake architecture, aside from the data and analytics workloads which make your company, team, and Snowflake account special.


So what if we told you that we’ve built and maintained a highly useful product usage and analysis tool for any Snowflake customer to explore details and analytical trending regarding how their Snowflake environment is being used, by whom, and how to optimize for better performance outcomes where possible? Well, we’ve actually done just that!


How to Increase Visibility into your Snowflake Account by 300%

Snowflake usage dashboard in Snowsight

The Snowsight UI provides basic output and graphing capabilities, which is a nice alternative to the legacy interface. Snowflake will obviously continue to build on this UI platform, but we think their time will be better spent working on new features versus trying to figure out how to display forensic details for all their individual customers.


There’s also your other high-level visibility feature coverage, which you come to expect from any platform, like these Warehouse monitoring details:

Snowflake warehouse monitoring details

And here’s another for very transactional Query History details in a transactional view:

transactional view of query history in Snowflake

Build your Own?

Snowsight has provided Snowflake customers with the ability to use the new data exploration and dashboarding capabilities to roll out their own reports. If a data engineer or data analyst is bored at their organization and their manager happens to be ok with them focusing away from high-value tasks that they should be working on, they could indeed build their own, using Snowflake’s amazing new UI. 

These would be one-off unsupported configurations for your company and technically, at the moment, only people with a Snowflake login would be able to access the reports but there are some really cool examples of getting some basic Snowflake usage information visualized by Ashish Patel:

Snowflake usage data visualization by Ashish Patel

And, prolific writer and Data Vault 2.0 expert, Patrick Cuba also showed some clever use cases here as well:

Snowsight dashboard showing data vault hub and link growth heatgrid
Snowsight dashboard showing data vault daily statistics

Enter Snowflake Usage Analytics

All good data engineers and data workers understand that their skills are valuable, but even more important is the value their skills bring to the business users by way of solutions.  So, a great data engineer or analytics engineer understands that they can build a prototype or a proof of concept, but it makes much more sense to incorporate a solution that is already built, supported, maintained, and continuously enhanced, so they can focus on the high-value tasks that make them a superstar in the eyes of their business partners.  And to support all of those die-hard data engineers and data analysts, we’ve built the first real Snowflake Usage Analytics offering that any Snowflake customer can use right away. 

Here’s a quick look at just a few of the dashboards all backed by dbt models that you can use in your own organization and customize at will.  It takes less than 30 minutes to set up and you’ll almost instantly get an over 300% increase in visibility to what’s actually happening in your Snowflake accounts.

300% Increase in Visibility, Really?

Facts. Snowflake Usage Analytics has over 70 views and tabular outputs showing perspectives into Snowflake queries, warehouse spend, allocation of resources, long running queries, user activities, application usage, query errors, and more. 


Based on the section above in this article, compare 70 usage reports to only the 5 or 7 reports offered out-of-the-box from Snowflake and we’re batting over a 1000% increase in visibility into your Snowflake account(s).  But let’s just pretend we’re comparing dashboards to the 5 or 7 reports and we’ll say that our key 15 sections give you 3x what the out-of-the-box Snowflake UI provides in immediately available output.


Just as a preview take a look at some of the core dashboards we offer that illuminate your Snowflake account usage…


Cost Analysis shows an easily viewable breakdown of what your spend is by warehouse and other dimensions based on a date filter, which allows you to hone in on areas that should be increasing in spend or those that should be trending on a predetermined baseline. Snowflake query analysis dashboard

Analyze the Queries of your Snowflake account to get details on load and consumption. This is an advanced view incorporating a set of data similar to what’s used in the default Snowflake UI for Snowsight, but much enhanced by the ability to drill into details and view across roles, users, and warehouses. Snowflake query analysis dashboard

Try it out Now for your Snowflake Account

Let this be your official invitation to sign up for, connect your Snowflake account, and start getting the best visibility into your Snowflake account currently available on any platform today!

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